Award for GreenDiamond post-doc Gauthier Chicot!

Dr. Gauthier Chicot, post-doctoral fellow at CNRS/G2ELab, was awarded the best presentation award at the international conference E-MRS 2016 Fall in Warsaw, Poland (September 2016). Dr. Chicot presented his work during Symposium J Diamond for Electronic Devices on optimisation of drift layer for diamond power devices, improving the specific ON state resistance vs breakdown voltage compromise. This work has been conducted within the GreenDiamond project, as a close collaboration between CNRS/G2ELab and CNRS/Néel.

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G. Chicot, D. Eon, N. Rouger, Trade-off for optimising drift region of diamond power devices, E-MRS Fall 2016, Warsaw, Poland, September 2016.