2015 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA (29 November-4 December 2015)

The GreenDiamond project and consortium will be introduced in a poster at the Diamond Electronics, Sensors and Biotechnology—Fundamentals to Applications symposium organised by P. Bergonzo (work package leader). Other members of the consortium will also be presenting some of their work.

Monday 30th November: DD5.18 Oxygen Terminated Diamond Metal Oxide Semiconductor Capacitor: An Interface States Study
Thanh Toan Pham, Aurelien Marechal, Nicolas Rouger, David Eon, Pierre Muret, Etienne Gheeraert, Julien Pernot (Institut Néel CNRS-UGA, Grenoble, France; G2ELab CNRS-UGA, Grenoble, France; Institut Universitaire de France, Paris, France)